
Some people that I know are still asking me what is a blog and what do I blog about.According to Google…


1. A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Now while I try to keep up with such a demanding schedule and keep Karisma Ray “regularly updated” sometimes I do fall short. But to answer the question…I run a lifestyle, beauty, and travel blog. More specifically pushing women towards being the best version of themselves in the pursuit of finding purpose, love, and their passion. Think of me as your online BFF for tips on living your best millennial life.

But LISTEN: there is a reason why everyone is not a blogger and/or influencer…………. It’s hard. SO much work goes into each article, picture, youtube video, and Instagram/facebook post. I am a creative at heart so I try to make sure that I put out good quality material for you to watch and read! I sacrifice my time and mental energy daily to create something that will empower and inspire you!

The only thing I’d like in return is…support. Here is how you can do that!

1. Subscribe to my blog and READ my articles! Very simple. But what is even better? Sharing it with another friend you think it could benefit or help. This blog is not just about pretty pictures. I’m in the business of serving others. When you are reading and sharing my blog it tells the internet that it’s kind of important and helpful. Most importantly, blogs need traffic to survive!!! A certain amount of viewers is a great start for their work to be considered for partnerships with bigger editorial publications and companies!  Oh, and if you see anything that might be an error- I’d like to know that too! 🙂2. Follow, Like, and Comment on my social media pages! I try to put out material that resonates with people who support and follow me on IG/Facebook/Twitt! I really like to hear feedback on my articles, posts, and giveaways. I want to be connected with my readers everywhere and I want to support you all as well. There is nothing wrong with a genuine compliment to let your friend know what you like about the page!3.Buy things from my promotion or affiliate pages.  I’m not big on affiliate links or pages but hey, it definitely does not hurt if you were to support anything I ever offered in the future! You don’t buy anything from me, but if you are already planning to buy something that I have recommended, it definitely helps! Like shopping my Amazon Influencer store front here! In other words, if you check out anything that I post! It supports me!Huge thank you to my friends and family who continue to help me build up my blog page, and push the dream forward! Love, light, and blessings to you all!

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