
As I examine the course of my life and the course of many influential people, I have come to discover that serving is the way to personal success. One of my main goals in life and purpose is to serve others all over the world in a big way and to be honest, some of the happiest times of my life so far came as the result of service.Before I go on let me state that when I say service I simply mean the act of considering others. This has always been a goal of mine. To serve people relentlessly in every situation I encounter. The recent news about children being separated from there family is pretty horrific and is the exact opposite of what I would think service to mankind would be. While I have not examined any of the justified reasons for this occurrence I know it brings pain to so many. As I child, this pain is something I never experience and I would never wish it on another child.Growing up I was no stranger to service. It started with my mom teaching me to “speak to” and “engage with people” with whom you share a space (restaurants, waiting in lines, basically anywhere public). It was kind of annoying, and it scares me that I have now become “that lady”. The act of engaging with people is also serving because you never know how much someone might need you. You never know how a “how you doin’ today?’ can brighten someone else. I’ve seen her (and my grandmother for that manner) help random strangers in public and private spaces. I’ve seen them give away items for no charge, share kind words, offer favors with no expectations in return, and I’ve seen them show kindness and love to strangers. After all, love is the root of serving.Just today I saw a mom standing with her son in the market in a predominately wealthy area. Another child who did not look anything like her son came up to him and started a conversation. She stopped her son from talking and said “How do you know this boy?” Her son replied, “We go to the same school.” She said “Oh” and the dynamics of her son and his friend (who were both about 10 years old) changed. Her son became standoff-ish as if he did not want to talk to the other young man. I could barely check out my two items from witnessing the event. Just imagine how the mom’s attitude slightly shifted when she saw the other young man’s mom appear. Serving and being kind are so connected. Ask Chick-Fil-A.The act of love that comes from the heart and is often taught. I remember when my apartment got broken into and my TV got stolen. I mentioned it to a friend and her parents took me out to dinner. They a had a new TV waiting. These are the same parents of my friend who did random acts of kindness on her birthday! The apple never falls far from the tree. It’s never about the material things but about the act of “considering others” that comes from the heart.I listen to all types of music but one of my favorite songs on the radio right now is a song called “Serve” by Jermaine Dolly. It talks about serving God no matter how much the world changes. No matter what we must have a heart committed to doing the right thing.I choose to believe that deep down in the heart of so many is a willingness to serve others. Whatever you do and wherever you go use your influence to enrich the lives of others with love.The world could use a lot more of it!Until next time…

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