
It Almost Ruined My Childhood. Here’s How To Treat Eczema


So, this is the story about my battle with eczema (which tried to ruin my childhood), and how I finally learned to treat it!

At age 8, I was sitting outside on the step of my grandmothers house in Coastal Georgia. I remember a very small scratch on my left leg. Hmmm this looks a “ring worm” I thought. It continued to itch overnight.

After about a week of scratching this sore, it started to become red and inflamed. After about a month: scaly, red, inflamed, and then dark brown scars. Still, my family thought- a simple sore that could be “healed” with blue start ointment or bleaching.

Little did I know this would start a journey that would cause me so much pain, yet strengthened me in a different way in the end. When I look back on my journey I realize that lots of things could have been different and I wanted to share with my readers.

Thanks to Absolutely Fabulous Shea Butter for sending me shea butter in honor of this post!

My Story

How it Started

The first thing I remember about this experience was the intense itching. It happened mostly at night and I would scratch until the top layer my skin would come off. Before I knew it was eczema, it simply was embarrassing. As I started to get dark scaly scaring, it would become ever so noticeable (in contrast to my brown skin). It basically took over the back of my legs and I had no where to hide. No matter how hard I tried I could not stop the itching.

Failed Skin Treatments

After a dermatology appointment, I thought things would get better. It did not. Is seriously felt that the medicine given was all trial samples because the doctor did not have experience with this particular kind of condition and eczema type. Initially I was told it was psoriasis, next I was told by the same doctor that it was impetigo, then after lots of skin scraping and testing it was determined that it was simply eczema.

Struggling Social Life

By this time it had taken over and by age 9 it was so bad that it effected my social life at school. Very few kids wanted to play around me because they though they would get the “ring worm”. I would even walk sideways when I walked past certain people a certain way to make sure that they did not see the backs of my legs. It was horrible.

During this time in my life my biggest outlet was reading. My mom would take me to the summer reading camps at the local library and this encouraged me to read and eventually start journaling. I attribute this battle to the reason my academics (reading and writing) propelled forward in the manner they did. One person in the community told me I would be scarred for life. I ended up becoming a scholar for life.

Seasonal Flair Ups

By age 12, by the grace of God my skin started to clear up. I have no idea how or why but one day I woke up and realized it was barely noticeable. After it came back for a few winters, I realized it would only be seasonal flairs.

Finally, a Solution!

During a college winter break, my Aunt Karen encouraged me break a piece of Aloe plant that she had to treat it. It regressed in two days. I used this method the most and I’m so glad I found a natural solution.

Shea Suffle.PNG

How to Treat Eczema When Nothing Else Works!

Here are the three things I would recommend to manage this:

    Absolutely Fabulous makes a shea butter soufflé! The owner of the company told me that it was created to help heal an extreme eczema case of their son. After searching for cure after cure, they decided that they would find their own. 100 % natural shea butters. See my video below!

Have you or someone battled with eczema or irritable skin? Leave a comment below and share!

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  1. Yes my 1 year old has really bags eczema to the point where he’s bleeding by scratching himself.

    1. Sorry this has happened! I was like that as well. Please let me know if the aloe helps. Strange enough I heard breast milk works as well as changing diets drastically! Sending love, hugs, and calm skin to the baby!

  2. Hey Karisma, I hope you’re doing well. I am suffering from eczema since 9years. I am too depressed there is no cure. I consult with many Dermats but unfortunately everything is failed. Could you please suggest me what to do please I need your help. It’s been a 9 years I am still fighting with this eczema my confidence is almost gone.

    1. Hi Deeksha! Have you removed diary from your diet? Also have you tried the Aloe plant (found at grocery stores)? You can overcome this I promise.

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